Technotools (Chestnut CD-ROM)(1993).ISO
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117 lines
/*#title C_WDEF.INC - Include file for C Windowing Toolbox */
/* Window border types sent to w_open() */
#define SPACES 0 /* blanks */
#define SNGL_LN 1 /* single lines */
#define DBL_LN 2 /* double lines */
#define MXD_1 3 /* double horiz, single vert */
#define MXD_2 4 /* double vert, single horiz */
#define BLK_LN 5 /* block characters */
/* Monochrome defines */
#define NORM 0x07 /* std. white on black */
#define REVERS 0x70 /* reverse video */
/* Character display attributes, to be
* added or ORed to the above base modes */
#define BRIGHT 0x08
#define BLINK 0x80
/* Color screen foreground defines */
#define FG_BLACK 0x00
#define FG_BLUE 0x01
#define FG_GREEN 0x02
#define FG_CYAN 0x03
#define FG_RED 0x04
#define FG_MAGENTA 0x05
#define FG_BROWN 0x06
#define FG_WHITE 0x07
#define FG_GRAY 0x08
#define FG_LTBLUE 0x09 /* light blue */
#define FG_LTGREEN 0x0A /* light green */
#define FG_LTCYAN 0x0B /* light cyan */
#define FG_LTRED 0x0C /* light red */
#define FG_LTMAGENTA 0x0D /* light magenta */
#define FG_YELLOW 0x0E
#define FG_BRTWHITE 0x0F /* bright white */
/* Color screen background defines to be ORed to
* the above foreground colors */
#define BG_BLACK 0x00
#define BG_BLUE 0x10
#define BG_GREEN 0x20
#define BG_CYAN 0x30
#define BG_RED 0x40
#define BG_MAGENTA 0x50
#define BG_BROWN 0x60
#define BG_WHITE 0x70
/* Color screen blink attribute to be ORed to the
* above foreground colors */
#define COLRBLINK 0x80
/* Direction of window scroll */
#define UP 0
#define DOWN 1
/* Border parameter sent to w_def () */
#define NOBORDER 0
#define BORDER 1
/* Parameter sent to w_open () */
#define NOCLR 0 /* No window pre-clear */
#define CLR 1 /* Pre-clear window */
/* Allow access to functions */
/* Pre-declare functions so that parameter checking is enabled */
int peek(int ,int ,char *,int );
int poke(int ,int ,char *,int );
int w_init(void);
int w_fgcolor(int );
int w_bgcolor(int );
int w_getcx(void);
int w_getcy(void);
int w_msg(char *);
int w_gotoxy(int ,int );
int beep(int );
int dsp1_abs(int ,int ,char );
int w_dsp1(int ,int ,char );
int w_scroll(int ,int );
int w_write(char *);
int keyin(void);
int w_getstr(char *,int );
int blok_save(int ,int ,int ,int ,char *);
int blok_load(int ,int ,int ,int ,char *);
int border(int ,int ,int ,int ,int );
int w_def(int ,int ,char );
int w_close(void);
int w_kill(int );
int w_open(int ,int ,int ,char ,char ,char ,char ,char );
extern w_init ();
extern w_def ();
extern w_open ();
extern w_close ();
extern w_kill ();
extern w_write ();
extern w_dsp1 ();
extern w_getstr ();
extern w_fgcolor ();
extern w_bgcolor ();
extern w_scroll ();
extern w_getcx ();
extern w_getcy ();
extern w_gotoxy ();
extern border ();
extern keyin ();
extern beep ();
/* Flag altered by keyin () */
extern char extend;
/* Flag used in error handling */
extern char err_exit;